Adult Head - MRI Scan

These scans are taken from our Adult Head (Standard) Phantom ~ SKU: HD-A04. Our Head phantom is visible on the MRI scan. It contains a realistic skull that carries a brain phantom with brain ventricles and a complex blood vessel network. The brain inside of the head phantom can be customized to achieve any functionality.

Adult Full Body- MRI Scan

These scans are taken from our Adult Full Body (with Muscles) for X-Ray CT, MRI ~ SKU: FB-A02. This phantoms tissues have realistic T2 relaxation time values, which makes this product the best fit for any T2-weighted MRI imaging methods.

Adult Brain - MRI Scan

These scans are taken from our Adult Brain (Basic) Phantom ~ SKU: BN-A03. The phantom includes a tumor, brain tissue, grey matter, and white matter. It is constructed using tissue-mimicking materials that are suitable for Ultrasound, MRI, and X-Ray/CT applications.