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IMSH 2024 - San Diego, USA

January 20, 2024 – January 24, 2024 

True Phantom Solutions Inc. had the opportunity to participate in the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH). As a premier scientific conference, IMSH is dedicated to the exploration of the latest innovations and best practices in healthcare simulation. It serves as a critical platform for healthcare professionals to enhance their skills, influence changes in delivery systems and practices, and ultimately improve patient safety. 

Our exhibition at IMSH drew considerable attention, with our Adult Full Body Phantom and Heart Phantom, featuring realistic beating heart functionality, standing out as highlights. These products captured the interest of a diverse group of healthcare professionals and students, including cardiologists, X-ray technicians, and veterinarians, who were particularly impressed by how our technology could aid in learning and researching new methods to benefit patient care. The event also proved fruitful in expanding our network, as we connected with new distributors, further broadening our reach within the healthcare community. The experience at IMSH 2024 underscored the significant impact and potential of simulation technologies in advancing medical education and practice.  

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