True Phantom Solutions Inc., continuously works towards new innovative products that will assist the field of medical imaging and improve its future. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and conducting extensive research, we aim to enhance diagnostic radiology and streamline imaging processes. Our commitment to innovation ensures that the tools we develop will set new standards in the industry, driving progress and ultimately leading to better medical imaging practices.

If you wish to learn more about our products, you can send an email to or call us at +1-519-250-2058. 

New Product Announcement! Lightweight Adult Full Body for X-Ray Positioning Training We are excited to unveil the newest addition to

Radiography Phantoms for Enhanced X-Ray Training Our advancements in medical imaging technology, including the introduction of our realistic radiology phantoms,

If you're interested in connecting with True Phantom Solutions Inc., we showcase our products at numerous events globally. Explore upcoming opportunities to meet us or take a glimpse at some of the events where we've previously showcased our innovations. 

If you wish to arrange a meeting with us during an event, you can send an email to or call us at +1-519-250-2058. 

RSNA 2024

RSNA 2024 – Chicago, USA You can catch us at our next showcase at the Radiological Society of North America

IMSH 2024

IMSH 2024 – San Diego, USA January 20, 2024 – January 24, 2024  True Phantom Solutions Inc. had the opportunity

OPMED 2023

OPMED 2023 – San Antonio, USA March 28, 2023 – March 29, 2023  True Phantom Solutions Inc. took part in

RSNA 2022

RSNA 2022 – Chicago, USA November 22, 2022 – December 1, 2022  At RSNA (Radiology Society Of North America) 2022,